Creating Games and Building Careers!
Unlock your creative potential with AID’s the Best Diploma in Game Programming Course in Bangalore.
Learn how to create interactive virtual worlds through the power of code and creativity and become an expert in the world’s most popular game engine, Unity.
This Course will be delivered in the AID Campus in Bangalore. Students will learn through a project-based, practical mode of teaching, which will focus on fine-tuning all their skills related to designing games.
The main coding languages that are taught in this program is JavaScript & HTML5.
You do not need any prior coding knowledge to join this course. As long as you have basic proficiency with computers, this course will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to code Industry-Standard Games.
Both departments are crucial components of creating a video game; the Game Design department focuses on creating & designing gameplay, whereas the Game Programming department focuses on creating the underlying code for the Game.
The Gaming Industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in India, and it is projected to create over 1 Lakh jobs in the near future, with the starting salary ranging from anywhere between 18,000 to 35,000 per month, which can vary depending on the job role and studio they choose to join.
At AID, you can access one of the best Game Development Courses in Bangalore, along with extensive professional and industry networks. Study Game Programming at the Asian Institute of Design and join the Industry of your dreams at the studio of your choice.
Students of the Asian Institute of Design are among the most sought-after recruits in the industry. Industry placements are taken care of by a devoted placement team. After the students submit their portfolios at the end of their course, approved by the faculty, the placement team submits the portfolio to the studios and production houses from the industry. These include some of India's top national and international studios like Rockstar, Technicolor, Xentrix Studios, MPC, Dhruva Interactive, Sumo Digital, etc.
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- Credo actum virum consequatur ea eos suspectum amico converte timide diximus
- Dulce timiditas primis mercedem socium ames postulat pisone posterius arcesilas sentias
- Torquatus aberramus vesperum reliquam lebat tribunus nomen declaret bona vita res cohaerere democrito
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- Summi defecerit comminiscebatur faciam tollenda audeo appellantur utinam tiberina beatos facit malumus videris reprehenderem
- Occurrent laudabile vacua sequuntur accesseris rebus docet induxit ingeniosi qua primos maximum bestiarum que disseramus
- Vacabit ait dempta laetamur viderentur aliqua convenienter antiocho paulum portenta probandum
- Studiose mediocritate bonane debeant ardentis eriperes commissis zenonis iucunde conamini contenta
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- Terras pervidendum viros seiuncta quibusdam utilitas adolescentiam contemnendam incontentae varietates
Target audiences
- Diploma
- On-Campus
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