Transform the ordinary into the extraordinary with our Professional Diploma in VFX! Learn the Art of Post-Production and transform ordinary footage into visual spectacles under the guidance of experts from the Film Industry. Craft Cinematic Marvels with AID’s VFX course in Bangalore!
AID currently offers the following courses in Game Art and programming. 1. Bachelor in Game development and Animation (4 years) 2. Professional Diploma in Animation (1 year) 3. Diploma program in Game programming. (9 months)
Both the animation courses offered by AID have their own importance. The undergraduate degree program, Bachelor in Game Development and Animation gives holistic learning for 4 years about overall AVGC industry. You learn a lot of other things along with game development. While the professional diploma course is very specific and you learn specifically the core of game art and development for a year or 9 months.
The minimum eligibility to do the degree program is 12th and for the diploma and professional diploma program is 10th.
Game Art and Design is one of the most sought after career fields these days. If you are passionate to work for movies and games, this program will help you provide the right skills to get into the industry.
There is an increase in demand for game artists and developers in the video games and entertainment industry. Therefore, the employment of multimedia artists and developers is projected to grow by 8 per cent from 2016 to 2026, similar to the average of all other occupations.
It is moderately tough to get into a game development studio. If you are passionate, got the right skills and have a good portfolio then you can easily crack any job opportunity in the gaming industry.
The salary depends on the studio you are getting into and also your portfolio. But on average freshers get Rs 12000 - Rs 30000 per month. With an experience of 3- 5 years and a good portfolio you can get Rs 50000 - Rs 60000 per month.
Game artists or developers often work from home, contracting with video game production studios, cartoon networks, advertising agencies, graphic design firms, and mobile technology companies. There are a lot of opportunities to get freelance projects.
Yes! You can be a game designer or developer without having to draw as you will be creating characters, props, environment and everything else in software. However, developing drawing skills will be an added advantage which can really improve your output.
● Before you apply for any program, we suggest you go through our website in detail and speak to our support team to understand your suitability and the best course that could take you to achieve your career goals. ● You can apply by filling the form on the website. ● Post this the candidate has to take a test followed by an interview for every specific program. ● The test can be taken online or on campus. ● The interview will be taken by the trainer to understand more about you and clarify your doubts. ● Once you receive an offer letter, you can then register online or at the campus and confirm your seat for the upcoming batch.
Step 1: Apply and Register for the test online. Step 2: Take the test (online/ on-campus) on the scheduled date and submit. Step 3: Take the interview (telephonic/on-campus) on the scheduled date. Step 4: Once you are selected, you will receive an email to the registered email ID, confirming your provisional admission, along with a checklist of required documents to be submitted, fee structure and payment details. Step 5: Remit the registration fee, email the payment Invoice, and get your admission confirmed. Step 6: Your payment will be acknowledged within 2-3 business days, and your seat will get confirmed. Step 7: You will receive a welcome email from stating all information regarding class commencement, Invocation, Time-Table, etc. You can constantly be in touch with the student support team for any other queries.
The portfolio is not compulsory although it helps immensely to showcase your creative spirit and to help us understand your inner talent. It is a best practice that a student willing to pursue a career in the Art and Design industry needs to inculcate. Your portfolio can be a simple compilation of creative work to show in terms of drawing, illustration, cartoons and comics, paintings, sculptures, photography, 3-D design, video making or basic animation, or any such aspect of creative art/ design. Feel proud to show it!
Students of the Asian Institute of Design have been the most sought after recruits in the industry. Industry placements are taken care of by a devoted placement team. After the students submit their portfolios at the end of their course, approved by the faculty, the placement team submits the portfolio to the studios and production houses from the industry. These include some of the top national and international studios in India like Rockstar, Technicolor, Xentrix Studios, MPC, Dhruva Interactive, Sumo Digital and many more.
For the undergraduate programs, the session starts in July every year. For diploma programs, there are 4 batches in a year i.e. Jan, April, July and October every year.
The admission for undergraduate programs starts in January each year and diploma program is a continuous process as there are 4 intakes in a year for professional diploma - January, April, July and October.
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Target audiences
- Diploma
- On-Campus
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